Hello ! I am Grégory ACACIA and welcome to my portfolio.

Find more about me, my background and the projects I have been involved in during my 5 years studying physiology and neuroscience.

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Who am I?

After obtaining a bachelor’s degree in physiology two years ago, I am currently completing the international master ‘Fundamental and Clinical Neurosciences’ at the Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University. Thanks to my internships and the minors I have chosen, I am a specialist in computational neuroscience and statistics.

I would like to pursue a career of research engineer. As a result, I want to join INSA Lyon to study bioinformatic, statistics, and modeling. Finally, I hope to do a 3-year PhD to achieve my professional project.

Teamwork, rigor and motivation are my philosophy. As a research engineer in computational neuroscience, my goal is to bring my expertise in statistics and IT to conduct innovative projects.

Why INSA Lyon?

  • Unique path combining mathematics, informatic, statistics and biology

  • Possibiliy of doing internships from the third year

  • Selection of optional teaching units to personalize students’ paths

  • Some of the courses are taught exclusively in english

  • Many opportunities after graduation including PhD